Client Results

Breakthroughs in Love and Relationships

Desire: To attract her soul mate and become an energetic match for him
Problem: Stuck in patterns of being with wrong people and unable to let them go

, negative self talk, lack of self-care

Results: Released relationships that were toxic and not a match, improved self-care routines, gained confidence in attracting soul mate

“I hired Mayan because I want to attract my soul mate. At the time when I started working with her, I was in a relationship that I did not want to be in. I didn't want to hurt the person that I didn't know how to break up. And actually, I wasn't even 100% sure I should break up with him. I was able to gain clarity on that with her help and we successfully broke up. I was also in a very toxic relationship with an ex-boyfriend, who I'm proud to say that I have not spoke with in seven months.

I didn't have a very good routine. I wasn't sleeping well. I wasn't eating well. I was completely out of balance and through her help, I sleep now. I eat. I exercise every single day. And we discovered that I had some serious negative attitudes and self talk, which I wasn't even aware of. I was so surprised. I'm like, I'm such a positive person! How is that even possible? But I saw some great insights into why I was attracting what I was attracting. So I am continuing to work with her. I know that my soulmate is coming now! It's been an absolute great experience and I absolutely recommend her!”

— Laurel


“Before I met Mayan and Angus, I was just starting to dabble in dating again. I hadn’t for years, and I had just started in the apps—but I was not getting anywhere successfully. I had no dates in years.” Naomi knew she wanted that special relationship, marriage, and a family, but trying on her own wasn’t working.

Then everything changed. “Dating has actually started happening for me. Going from years of not dating to having multiple weekends where I’ve had two dates a weekend. And that’s now common for me… and I’m actually having a really good time.” Instead of feeling discouraged, she now confidently tells people, “I haven’t met the right guy yet, but I’m having a great time meeting fabulous people.”

Beyond dating, what she’s learned has impacted her entire life. “I’ve learned to put on my feminine energy rather than the masculine and just be, and that’s affecting the relationships in my business. It’s helping me network, and I’m building more connections that way—deeper connections.”

For Naomi, working with a male and female coaching duo made all the difference. “It’s so unique. I really haven’t come across it, but I think it’s so effective because you play off of each other, and you build each other up. You’re like Marvel… the Wonder Twins!”

Now, instead of feeling like dating is an impossible challenge, Naomi has a new perspective: “I used to think I was looking for a needle in a haystack. Now I know—there are a bunch of needles out here. I just need to find mine.” - Naomi

Desire: To forgive, let go of negative energy, and be able to express my needs and wants in my marriage
Problem: Unable to move forgive and move forward; feeling depleted and distracted to work on business

Results: More connection with husband, responding instead of reacting, increased productivity in business, bringing out my true self

“Before I worked with Mayan, I was having difficulties forgiving and felt angry. I was also distracted, energy depleted, and feeling like my life was lacking structure. My lack was affecting my personal life, my ambitions, my marriage, and family negatively.

I invested in working with Mayan because I wanted to have a clear idea of what I wanted out of my life and marriage. I was having trouble expressing to my husband how I felt and what was important to me. I wanted to communicate in a more positive way what my values and feelings were. I wanted it to be done in a tone that's more myself: loving, fun, confident, guilt free. I also had almost an obsession with needing to have a plan due to some past circumstances, so I was hoping to learn to go with the flow and have less of a need for a plan. After my husband went through his own process with Mayan, I decided I wanted to have that same clarity. I wanted us to be on the same page with sharing our values and the freedom of negative emotions. Deep down, I knew it’s what was needed to move forward. I got so much more that I could ever expect from my experience with Mayan.

Through this process, I was able to finally forgive and understand what was holding me back from moving forward. I feared that I would be too much… especially too emotional. Speaking of emotions, I felt emotionally stunted… my default as I said was anger. Even if I was sad, it would come out in anger or frustration. After working with Mayan, I now don’t care if people don’t like me because I’m too much, too me. I am also able to pause and ask myself, “why and what am I feeling?” I respond instead of react, and having personal discussions are much more productive. I was able to dive into who I wanted to be in my marriage. I am so much more myself: lighthearted, full of love, fun, and compassion.

Since I was starting my own business, I discovered that I needed to create a schedule and a plan to stick to it (in this case, a plan was much needed, oh the irony). Since I am disciplining myself to go to bed by 9:30/10 and waking at 6, I’m killing it! I am showing up for me and because I am showing up for me, I am able to show up for others who depend on me. Following through with a schedule has been great… I am much more in control and taking responsibility. I feel like I have so much time to do stuff. Before I had it all in my head, without having it written out, and feeling overwhelmed. Because we released the negative energy of being overwhelmed, it's transformed into the positive energy of focused productivity. Now I have more time to help my kids who take online school classes, and still do what I want to do. I have so much more time for starting up my own business. Because of the energy and confidence I have, my family is so excited for me. They understand I'm working on my stuff and are more motivated to work on theirs. I have finally been able to see that I set the tone for our entire household. When I’m on my game, everyone else naturally and happily follows suit.

Regarding my marriage, I am feeling more connected to my husband. An emotional block has been removed where I felt like I needed to keep up walls. I am open and loving with him. Triggers that once resulted in negative emotions are now met with emotional intelligence on my end. I get to respond and be how I want to be. There’s much more peace and playfulness now because of how I am able to show up in my relationship. Even with others, I create the environment I want and I hold my own standards. My inner-peace is determined by me.

I would absolutely recommend Mayan. She took me on a journey that helped replace negative emotions and thoughts with positive ones. This process is different because there’s an end goal to it. I got to create the person I want to be in 5 years. It’s so great looking at yourself on paper. I get to use that as a map of how I want to act right now, to get to the goal of who I want to be. I can start in the NOW and bring the future into the present. I would recommend Mayan to anyone who feels like they need to move forward and just feels stuck, especially in relationships. If you can’t understand why you keep repeating cycles over and over….see Mayan!”

— Jaina J.

Desire: To attract men who were on her level intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and financially
Problem: Blindspots that kept her in toxic relationships and pattern of attracting the wrong type of men

Results: Released thought patterns and beliefs that attracted narcissistic partners, enjoying dating again, attracting ideal partners

“Before meeting Mayan, I was in multiple toxic relationships and attracting men who were broken, in need, or had trauma. And I was there to support them, encourage them, and uplift them, but I wasn't receiving that back. After coming through the Relationship Breakthrough Program, I realized I had significant blind spots that were not conscious to me. Mayan was able to bring that to the conscious level and up-level me so that I could see how I was interacting before. I would give a man who I was not genuinely interested in, probably not even attracted to, the time of day and pour into them because I have a big heart and I just wanted to help them out. But that wasn't serving me to get the valuable relationship that I want and deserve. Mayan was able to bring that to my consciousness and helped me do release work to let go of those habits and those thoughts.

I happily report that I am dating and the experience is significantly different than it has been in the past. I have seen things and interacted in ways that I've never done before and they're enjoyable now. And I'm actually having the engagement that I've always desired with men who are mutually interested in me. Men who are pouring into me and not just the other way around. I absolutely recommend the Relationship Breakthrough Program. If you're not ready to love again or ready to date, but you just want to heal past wounds, this is an excellent program to be a part of.”

- Doc Heather, MD


Desire: To let go of past experiences and regain trust in herself in relationships

: Lost trust in herself as a result of past relationships, lack of desire to date again

Results: Regained trust in making the right romantic decisions, clarity in her ideal relationship, met her dream partner

“Before I worked with Mayan, I felt like I couldn’t trust myself to make good choices in relationships because I had a litany of problem choices from before. Through the process of doing a Breakthrough Session, I was able to identify the root of the problem, not just the superficial stuff. After she helped me let that go, the change was incredibly immediate.

It became easy to let go of dating or not dating. I learned to be OK, no matter what was happening. And because we did values level work, I knew what was critical for me going forward. It became easy to say no to someone and not be afraid that I was shutting people down or missing opportunities. And then when someone came along where there was a connection, I’d know really quickly if it was something I wanted to continue with. Working with Mayan cleared up a lot of my confusion. I got a lot of clarity knowing that I could make the right choices for myself and build the life I actually want to live.

It’s been a year since we worked together and I’ve been dating a guy now for six months and I’m really happy with it! There’s a level of honesty and connection that I didn’t know was possible before because of my own junk. I feel great about the possibility for him and me and I know that if we decide that it's actually not a good fit for one or both of us, I’ll be OK. That gives us a lot of freedom in our relationship so that we can be honest and not need each other to be okay, while also developing interdependence and a desire to meet each other as we grow together.

Mayan’s a really good balance of playful and professional, direct and gentle. I recommend her to anyone who wants to manifest love into their life, to get themselves clear before getting into the next relationship, and who recognizes that they may be playing a part in the problem.”

- Lauren P., Austin, TX


Update: Lauren and Brandon are now engaged!

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Desire: To feel at peace with past choices and be fully present in her relationship

: Stuck in cycle of needing external validation and negative self-talk, holding onto guilt and shame, self-beat up

Results: Freedom from the past, feelings of peace, stopped self-sabotage, loosened grip on relationship, increased self-worth

“Before working with Mayan, I was in such a rut. I was constantly giving my power away to other people, like my partner in the relationship that I was in. I was having a hard time staying grounded, feeling confident, feeling like myself.

I was also filled with so much guilt over the past choices that I had made that it was really hard to move forward. I had a lot of trauma from my past since my youth that I couldn't help but beat myself up and self-sabotage constantly. Anytime something bad would happen to me or when I experience a negative thing, I would quickly think, ‘Well, I deserve it because I did X, Y, and Z!’ It was a really hard and tough cycle to really get out of. No matter how much I tried doing, meditation or other exercises from courses that I've learned in the past, I just could not get out of it. I was stuck in this cycle and felt like I couldn't get out of it on my own. I would often be consumed by my own negative thoughts when I was alone. I didn't know how to navigate, especially during the pandemic. I used to run away from things when they weren't working, but now in a pandemic where we are forced to sit with ourselves, I knew real inner work had to take place and I knew I couldn't do it alone.

Through this process of working with Mayan, I was able to truly reclaim my power. I have completely let go of the guilt and the shame that I was carrying up until that point. Now I feel differently when I look at my past. I still see the timeline and the cause and effect of my choices, but there's no longer this attachment of negative or draining energy telling me that I'm in the wrong or that I can't move forward or that I need to be in a state of shame. Instead, I just see it for what it is and now. I am at peace now with my past choices.

Through a series of questions and processes, I figured out what my core values were. Until that point, I never wanted to ask myself what mattered to me or what I needed in life or a partner because I felt so undeserving. I have since loosened my grip on my current relationship. I am no longer attached to the outcome. I truly feel in flow with myself and am content with who I am as a person and am no longer apologetic for just existing!

Since working with Mayan, I have a renewed sense of gratitude and acceptance of where I am currently in my life. I'm no longer living in fear or have an urge to seek validation from others. I also feel much lighter and a lot more liberated. I feel like I have a renewed sense of purpose.

I highly recommend Mayan to anyone who is ready to commit to healing and changing their inner world. What I love about working with Mayan and what makes her so special and unique in comparison to other coaches that I've had in the past is that she is so present with you. I believe she is a lightworker and has a huge heart and container to hold space for you without judgment, just pure love. My session with Mayan has had lasting effects until THIS DAY! I highly recommend her.”

- Carmyn X., Los Angeles, CA



Desire: To be in a happy, healthy, stable relationship
Problem: Repeating the pattern of entering into a new relationship every 6 months, shiny object syndrome

Results: Identified his true wants, deepened his self-worth, developed his ability to be radically honest, and attracted his Twin Flame and soul mate

“Before I worked with Mayan, I was repeating patterns in my relationships that did not work. Falling in love and then realizing the person I was with was not a good fit for me or vice versa. I invested in working with Mayan because she showed me what was possible by digging deeper and uncovering where this began. She shared with me some information on NLP and MER, and the power of reprogramming my subconscious. Through her Relationship Breakthrough Program, I was able to build up my own self-worth and identify what I really wanted in my relationship. What I realized in working with Mayan is that my needs, desires, and wants all matter and that I get to attract into my life, a relationship with someone who has that same vision. That we both matter, that we are two separate people. And if we both put 100% into the relationship, and are 100% responsible for everything that goes on in the relationship, that it will be successful.

I've worked with a lot of coaches and they've all provided the support that I needed at that time. But the difference in working with Mayan is her patience, compassion, and the presence that she brings to the coaching environment. She creates a safe space to be vulnerable, to be completely honest, radically honest, because she has created a space that is built on trust. I trust her with everything that I tell her and know that she has my back and my best interests at heart. Mayan also brings the amazing tools of NLP/MER. I would recommend Mayan to anyone who is committed to their own growth and is serious about creating the life they have always wanted.”

- Joe E., CA


Desire: To feel confident speaking with attractive women, to get into a relationship with women with aligned values
Problem: Repeating the pattern of getting into and staying relationships that weren’t working, White Knight syndrome

Results: Freedom from anxiety of talking to women, confidence to approach any woman, release of past traumas, deepened friendships

“Before I worked with Mayan, I struggled with self-confidence and overanalyzing my past decisions. And one of the bigger challenges that I came to Mayan for was feeling like I was settling and not achieving the romantic relationships I wanted to be in. I wasn’t recognizing the relationships that weren’t working. I wasn’t seeing the red flags. I was allowing myself to stay in relationships longer than I knew were healthy for me and my partner. As a result of going through the Relationship Breakthrough Program, I was able to release the subconscious desire to be the White Knight, always to save people, in friendships and relationships. I’m able to recognize when I start to go down that White Knight savior role. I feel relaxed, at ease, and confident. I feel like a cool guy now! Before, because of my lack of self-worth and self-confidence, I’d see that we’re not right for each other but being excited that I was actually in a relationship and allowing myself to be in a lower frequency relationship that wasn’t right for me. I’m in the confident area now where I recognize that if our values don’t line up, I’m not going to pursue a relationship with that person. I’m now at the place where I know I will fall in love with the person that they are and not compromise on my values to get into a relationship.

- Derek C.


Breakthroughs in Career, Life Purpose, and Finances

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Desire: To have her career takeoff and stop feeling stuck and frustrated at lack of movement in career
Problem: Feelings of unworthiness, anxiety, playing small

Results: Freedom from anxiety, release of past traumas, gained new clients and career opportunities

“Before I worked with Mayan, I was anxious and worried most of the time. I felt down even though I was generally optimistic. I felt really stuck. I felt angry and frustrated at my lack of progress. It felt like there was a shadow lingering in the back of my mind and my whole being that I couldn’t quite shake off of me. It didn’t feel OK to be me. I felt like I had to hide my intelligence, creativity, tone down my femininity, and enthusiasm to suit other peoples’ sensibilities. I felt really suffocated. The crazy thing is that I was fully aware this was the work of my own mind and I was doing it to myself.

I have been working on trying to improve and better myself for years. I am passionate about self-development and growth, but it seemed that no matter how hard I tried to put the lessons I learned into practice, I wasn’t creating enough momentum in my life to truly live the life I wanted or desired. I came to Mayan because what I was doing wasn’t working. What I really want is to be able to share my gift with enthusiasm, joy, and excitement and contribute to others by confidently sharing who I am. I wanted to stop hiding. I wanted to release the fears that I had as a businesswoman and creative artist. 

Through the NLP Breakthrough Program, I was able to LET GO and release years of pain, hurt, anger, and sadness. I’ve always wanted to be able to connect easily with others and trust them. I wanted to be seen and heard, embraced, and accepted. I felt invisible and unworthy of the life I imagined and that made me feel a sadness I can’t even describe. But I now know how untrue this is. Through this work with Mayan, I can confidently say, I am me, I am happy, and truly, I feel seen and heard because the most important person in the world now sees and accepts me. Yup! I am talking about myself.

I used to wake up with a heaviness in my chest most mornings or low-grade anxiety about something. Now, I wake up feeling light and clear-headed. I want to get up and do the things that will improve my life. I am so focused on living in the present and looking forward to the future I’m creating right now, that I don’t have time or need to rehash the past. I’m able to let go of what others think of me and just create. I can’t tell you how much this process has changed my life in the short amount of time since we conducted our session together. Since our session, I have lost weight, gained new clients, and new opportunities fell into my lap.  

I recommend Mayan because this process opens you up and makes you feel vulnerable. You need someone who is warm, kind, generous, and most of all, makes you feel seen and heard without judgment. This works because Mayan is guiding you through it. This process is the real deal. It is 100X better than any other type of emotional leadership program or training you might consider. It gets to the core and if you really want to level up, change what’s not working, then THIS IS THE PROGRAM for you. Hands down 100%. What makes it even better is Mayan’s follow-ups after the session is complete. She doesn’t leave you on your own as most programs do. She sits with you and creates strategies and goals for you to implement to solidify the work and make the changes permanent. It is not a magic pill you just take and all your future problems go away. What Mayan does, is allow you to release the blocks and junk clogging your current flow so you have a chance to create new momentum. You are able to problem solve now because you aren’t so weighed down by past experiences. I recommend Mayan to my family and close friends. I believe in her and believe in this process 100%. I would never put the people I love through a process like this if I had any doubts or regrets. Thank you, Mayan!!! I finally feel like I have ME back and I can truly say for the first time ever, I love the present me and am truly grateful for all the past experiences that led me here.”

- Dalia R., Herndon, VA


Desire: To take action to move his career forward, increase income, and feel purposeful
Problem: Feeling stuck, unmotivated, trapped, unable to take action and complete goals

Results: Broke through limiting beliefs, met health goals, hosted two events, and landed a new job earning more money than ever before

“Before I started working with Mayan, I was feeling stuck, unmotivated, trapped in my life for years. I honestly didn't see a way out myself. I felt like this was just who I was, and that I was just gonna have to live my life feeling so trapped, numb and apathetic. I wasn't able to complete anything that I started, whether it be a workout program or a book. And through this process, not only was I able to complete my 30 day workout program, but I'm actually on my sixth month of my workout challenge. I've lost 12 pounds of fat and I gained three pounds of muscle and I'm not stopping.

The changes that I've made are not only with my my diet and my health, but inside internally. I feel like a completely different person. Not only do I have confidence, which was something I was looking for through this, but I have this deep sense of groundedness, purpose, and sense of self. I feel absolutely connected to myself and my life. I have excitement when I wake up in the morning, I have a vision. I have goals and I complete them and see them through. This is something that I have never been able to do in my life.

Working with Mayan was so different than any other therapy or modality I have done because the results were so quick and so visceral. Never before have I gone from feeling so apathetic and disconnected to grounded and purposeful. The results were so drastic and so quick that I honestly couldn't believe it. I never saw myself achieving this much in such a little amount of time.

I had this idea in my mind that I was too afraid to put on some events for people with some expertise that I had. With Mayan’s help and support, I was able to break through all these limiting beliefs I had hindering me from actually taking action and seeing things through. I have since put on two events with a total of over 50 people coming and the experience was not only financially rewarding, but the people that came up to me afterward and thanked me for coming in the lives that are able to affect so positively was something beyond what I ever could have expected.

My life has financially exploded. And the connections that I have made have also exploded. It's just been the best experience of my life and I'm so glad I sought out Mayan and she helped me push through these blocks because the other side is so sweet and so worth it.

I would recommend this to anyone that's looking to make their life better in the relationship, work, or health realm because Mayan gets to the root of whatever the issue is and just absolutely dissolves it. With Mayan I've been able to achieve exactly what I wanted, which was feeling aligned, purposeful, having vision and being excited about my life and connected to myself and others. It was achieved and far greater than I ever expected. So thank you to Mayan and please go see her because she's just the absolute best at the best of the best!”


Before I worked with Mayan, I felt blocked in my progress in my career and in relationships. As I continued to work with her, I was able to release these blocks. Through MER and tapping into my subconscious, I learned so much about myself, and about how my past also affected me. Letting go of trauma, and any baggage really propelled me to get me to where I am right now. Since working with Mayan, I've been able to leave a job that I've been with for almost eight years and went 100% into my own business. I'm still taking a lot of steps to get my own business going, but I feel more confident. 

So initially, I thought I wanted to work on relationships first. I thought that was the priority. But I discovered that I haven't been progressing on my business side and there were blocks there that I needed to release. But it turns out, my business and relationship go hand in hand, because there were similar blocks that kept me from moving forward in both relationships and my career. 

Since doing breakthrough sessions in both relationships and career, I'm able to move forward. I'm feeling limitless. I can be myself. I'm not being held back by what I thought were standards. I'm setting my own standards and setting my own boundaries and not following anyone else's expectations. In the past, men would try to set standards on me, and at same time in my career, certain bosses would try to set standards and expectations on me as well. And I thought that when I met, either, new men in my life or business contacts, I thought that they would set expectations of me as well, or prejudgments but that has not been the case. I've been able to be myself and feel accepted.

When social media was just AOL or Instant Messenger, that was fine communicating with friends, but I've had stalkers on there in high school. I've had stalkers on MySpace in college and that was very triggering. With my business, I had to learn to be pretty much on the way to be a public figure on social media. A lot of business marketing is on social media and I felt petrified to have to be public on there because it just brought back feelings of being stalked back then. And working with Mayan, she helped me overcome that. I'm posting publicly on LinkedIn and I also started posting more on Instagram and Facebook as well, personal and business accounts. So I've been feeling more confident, and happy about that. And I remember feeling, what are people going to think about my posts? Are they going to talk about me behind my back? Are they going to see this? Are they going to think too much or not enough? But actually, the responses have been really supportive and receptive and welcoming by my family and friends, peers, colleagues, and people I've worked with. It's been really great and I'm really thankful for that support as well on social media.

Before the pandemic, I was pretty social. And then all of a sudden, I wasn't as social as I used to be. And I would feel anxious and stressed. I would feel that people would judge me or put standards on me before I even go to a networking event. But since working with Mayan, I've been able to walk into a room full of people, no elevator pitches, no canned speeches, I just introduce myself and start a conversation to talk about myself and my business and what I can do without feeling too nervous or worried about what the other person thinks. 

And so far, it's been going well, and I've been going to more and more events. For instance, this week, I think I've gone to an event for the past four nights. So now I'm working on being a little bit more picky about which events I go to now and pinpointing my target clients so that way I can reach them better and be able to provide my business services to them. 

And also, I have been working with Mayan on relationships, I've been in relationships and been in a marriage. And my role models for relationships have had a huge effect on my relationships. And Mayan and I have worked through that so that I don't bring that into what I want in a relationship. I've also learned how to set my boundaries and stick to them. I’m continuing to work on sticking to them but by setting boundaries, I'm able to accomplish what I want and feel more successful and happier. And I'm really thankful to be working with her and continue to work with her. Thank you.

I would recommend women who are wanting to let go of relationship blocks and past experiences. I would also recommend women who want to move forward in their careers. So both of these areas are a huge part of our lives, especially that we're single, independent, and successful in our own ways and keep wanting to move forward and live our best lives.

-Jennifer Dizon


Before I worked with Mayan, I dreaded waking up every morning to work. Every single day I would always complain to my family saying "I hate my job", "I hate working", or "My job sucks". I dreaded Sunday nights knowing come Monday morning I would need to push myself and exert 110% to wake up and get out of bed for the next five days just to start work on time. For the past two years, I was so unhappy and stressed out from my accounting job but didn't do anything to change the situation. I was frozen, would just complain, and sleep a lot to escape reality. One day in October, out of the blue an old friend whom I haven't seen for at least a decade texted me she would be in town and we should meet up. She shared that she was working with a life coach and it has made a huge impact on her life and career. After hearing her story, I felt a strong urge, this is exactly what I needed in my life right now...a career/life coach. I decided right then and there (not knowing how much, who the coach is and what it would entail) I would get the help and get a life/career coach no matter what.

I invested in working with Mayan because I was feeling extremely desperate to change my job, my situation and needed help doing it. I knew something had to change immediately. I couldn't take another year, another month and let alone another day. I needed someone to guide me and push me in the right direction. A career coach would be able to help me best.

Through this process, I was able to see myself, situations and the world differently. My perception changed and my perspective changed. I no longer feel like a victim. I can change myself and outcomes. I don't have to listen or believe what others think of me. The past is not me anymore. I can let go and move on. I have volunteered to do things at work and outside of work, I normally would be scared to do. My focus has been better. I've taken on more creative projects at work and personal life. I've stopped blaming myself, the past situations and people. I'm willing to take on risks, take a chance, and not be scared.

I now see the positive aspects of my life. I have so many blessings to be thankful for. I am grateful for my life, my family, my friends, and my job. I am more confident. My anxiety is gone. I am living an active, healthy and fit life. I have a work life balance. I see clarity and purpose with my life. I plan and do creative events. I appreciate the abundance I have in my life. I am accomplishing things I set out. I am happy.

I highly recommend Mayan to anyone who needs help with their career, love and personal life. If you are feeling stuck (career, personal or love life) a life coach will be able to help you break through it, understand your behavior and change your perception and habits, how to move on and live a happy, fulfilled life.



Desire: To cultivate self-love and self-worth, and to help others do the same via a non-profit
Problem: Holding onto guilt and shame, self-beat up from the past

Results: Freedom from the past, release of emotional and energetic weight, improved relationship with daughter, accountability with finances and health, progress on starting a non-profit

“Before I worked with Mayan, I was struggling with angst and shame from past traumas and was searching for relief. Initially, the program was not what I expected. I was, as is usual for me, expecting minimal work and maximum results, sort of like a "fairy godmothers wand!!" However, through the process, I was able to reach waaaay down and shed healing light onto my issues. I also had more trauma than most and that required more time and patience on both our parts. I became able to trust Mayan.

I have worked work many therapists, but only a couple of life coaches. One life coach was rigid, corporal... not a great fit. It created anxiety for me. Then the was a medium as well, so a completely different ball of wax. I felt this process was quicker but really exposed all my trauma very quickly. There was a lot to deal with. Mayan and I needed more time than generally needed as my trauma was very extensive. I wasn't expecting that and became frustrated. Instead of getting frustrated and impatient, Mayan pleasantly surprised me with patience and honesty. I was so amazed that she was honest that mine was a unique learning experience for her as well. That was a huge shift for me. It was also nice to experience the shift into positive thinking. Regular therapy takes a lot of time. This was much quicker and I wasn't always aware of the shifts as they were happening.

I am now able to stay in a positive frame of mind and, therefore, raise my vibrations. I actually look forward to practicing feeling wonderful. Today, I had the opportunity to see some issues that I need to work on, and quite honestly, instead of the usual angst, despair, and "why am I still experiencing this," I was able to let it have its time, look at it square on, and ask what I had to learn. Not only did I see it as a tool for advancing, instead of a negative downer, but I was also confident and strong enough to tell myself, Bring it on... let's fix whatever needs it. That's a huge improvement.

I am able to communicate more effectively with my daughter. When she voices her opinion or makes a statement, I do not cringe. I listen, do not get wounded, do not go down the path of "I should have been more supportive, etc." I allow her to have her voice and do not react or go into victim mode. Again, huge improvement.

I see that I was literally carrying the weight of my world in my body. That is significantly reduced and therefore I am able to make healthier food choices and not use food as comfort or safety. I am enjoying when I work out and moving towards choosing only ways that I enjoy to work out, ways that satisfy me. I am now able to see the positive benefits of accountability. Previously, that was not a topic that I would even entertain. My shift went from a negative (old parental corporal rule) to a positive shift. I am also able to process contrast and switch back to a positive level of vibration more quickly. It is really a huge relief and a joy, actually.

I am also beginning to see the possibility of creating a non-profit. I want to create a safe, fun place for incest survivors to come to heal and learn to enjoy life, and possibly start laughing again.

I am so very happy to have HOPE again and to feel lighter, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Thank you for the NLP Breakthrough program and thank you to Mayan. Reflecting back, I am pleased that I joined the program and had Mayan as the facilitator. She is a very knowledgeable, patient, kind, and compassionate facilitator.”

- Nancy S., NY

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Desire: To fulfill dream of moving to Hawaii, manifest dream job, abundance and love
Problem: Uncertainty of how to manifest big dreams

Results: Moved to Hawaii, attracted her job, became a magnet for money, increased confidence

“Mayan, our work together has made such a difference in my life and in my expansion as a person, especially in my career and my relationship to money. I’m present to the synchronicities since working together – manifesting my dream job (AGAIN, with your help), making and having more money than ever, and having way more access to peace, joy, gratitude and hope in my life. It's been incredible to see how I was limiting my thinking & dreaming, so through our work together, I am filled with a pure sense of anything being possible. ANY. THING. 

I have stepped fully into an incredible new beginning and am so grateful to the work I've done because of being coached by you. Your gentle, wholly present, and reassuring listening always made me feel supported.

The investment into coaching has created profound change in how I've grown the core areas that I focused on with work, finances, and self-love. I've truly tapped into inner wisdom that is taught by so many, and I'm grateful I really GOT it with you. Particularly, the following: I've developed my view on what I'm "here to do" from job to purpose, by shifting ambition to alignment. I've released my fear of & expanded my relationship to money (I'm truly a magnet, it's incredible). AND I've gained deeper confidence in my choices, my freedom to love, my responsibility in my own wellness, and most importantly - my compassion for failure.

During our most recent sessions, my dream of moving to Hawaii, that I thought would take 40 years, only took 4 months of action to bring into reality. I just had to choose.

Thank you, Mayan. You've helped me so much. Through your coaching, I've gained accountability for my dreams.”

- Lorena M., Maui, Hawaii

“While working with Mayan, I had more breakthroughs in the area of relationship. I always felt that she was authentically holding space for me during our calls which is something I value as I worked through what I needed. Mayan helped me open up more doors to possibilities and also closed doors that no longer served me. I was holding on to a past relationship that was disempowering me. Mayan helped guide me through that and helped me become more aware of the patterns I didn't see were present. Now with more awareness in this area, I am choosing to trust my gut and follow my heart. If you need someone to guide you towards a more empowered place, especially in the area of relationship, while helping you clear your blocks, I recommend Mayan.”

-Ellie A., Las Vegas, NV

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Desire: Move to the U.K.
Problem: Lack of belief and confidence

Results: Gained confidence, self-worth, and self-belief in making dreams come true, fulfilled dream of moving to the U.K. from Australia

“I’ve really enjoyed being a part of your program. I feel I’ve come a long way since the start, and the fact that I’m actually making my dream of moving to the U.K. happen feels amazing!

Just the act of joining the program in the first place was a huge step for me and during the past months, I’ve gained a lot of confidence and self-belief, which I never thought I could in such a short amount of time.

I’m so grateful to you and the fantastic work you do to help women like me around the world, and I will leave this program feeling so inspired to keep moving forward towards the life I truly want, and that I now know I deserve.”

- Melissa S., U.K.

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“I’m thankful that I got the courage to contact you. And I’m super grateful for the space you gracefully create every time we speak - who you are, your stand for me to get everything I wanted… it’s so amazing. The compassion you show, the love, the commitment, it blows me away. It gives me something to look forward to. I lose track of faith in people and now that we’re working together, it’s possible.”

- Maria L., Del Mar, CA

“Mayan, thank you for being an open, vast space of kindness and love, so that healing can happen. I experienced emotional healing and reconnection to myself that drove me back into action to fulfill my goals and dreams. I love you. Thank you.”

- Simi G., San Diego, CA

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“Mayan, you are a strongly insightful woman with a keen sense to hone in on bits and pieces that require deeper exploration. I could feel you listening to me and your natural curiosity leads to perfectly formulated questions. After our call, I had several breakthroughs, aha's, and ideas to follow through on in the days and weeks ahead! Thank you so so much!”

- Elizabeth B.

“Mayan has an amazing ability to hold the space to help others work through their inner obstacles. Through her gentle and focused coaching style, she has helped me better visualize my Soul-inspired work on a larger scale. With renewed clarity, I have taken steps to change and expand my business to better match my inner vision.”

- Lana Le, San Francisco, CA


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“Since working with Mayan, I’ve started to reconnect with my divine feminine, which has opened up the path in both my career and my love life. Mayan, thank you for your AMAZINGNESS and for creating one of the biggest shifts I’ve been searching for.”

- Jessica Lyons

“Mayan helped me to let go of many of my limiting beliefs around not feeling good enough, like my expectations for a relationship were too high, and others from my childhood I didn't even realize I had. I became more aware of my thought and speech patterns, and this has allowed me to actively change them. Our follow-up conversations were great for accountability and making sure I was changing not only my mindset but also my actions consistently.”

- Mariam, Massachusetts

“Mayan, our coaching session helped me to step across that invisible line and finally share my artwork with the world. My art is now being displayed at a yoga studio and I was just contacted by someone wanting to buy my artwork!”

- Jen C., North Carolina

“Before meeting Mayan, I was in a state of held back desires, confusion, and judgment within myself. When we spoke, I felt her ability to listen and point out objective perspectives. She gave me the space to have compassion and love for myself. After we spoke, I felt so inspired and free to move forward and bring into reality what was holding me back.

I’m so grateful for our time together and am looking forward to growing and manifesting more with her. Such a beautiful experience and her support is magical!”

- Robyn

Ready for your own breakthrough?