Reflections on my birthday
As I approach my birthday this year, I couldn’t help but think back to a moment that changed the entire trajectory of my life.
"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." – Mark Twain.
It was September 2009 and I was on vacation traveling through the countryside of Vietnam.
As we drove through town after town consisting mostly of dirt roads and dilapidated shacks, we stopped at an intersection where I noticed a woman selling bread.
While she looked young, probably not more than 30 years old, her essence, her soul, felt tired and in despair.
Although we were from different worlds, I experienced a connection and oneness with her I never felt before with a stranger.
Deep down I knew we both desired the freedom to live life to the fullest and to leave our mark on the world.
As I looked into her eyes I was haunted by a message I'll never forget... Do it for me and the others who don't have the same opportunities.
At that moment, I was awakened to a new sense of purpose in my life.
I got real with what I actually wanted out of every area of my life and I began to make some bold moves.
I left my career of 16 years in IT management consulting, moved to my dream city, and even manifested an amazing relationship.
I've helped others do the same, in addition to improving family relationships, healing from trauma, finding their passion, improving their health, and accelerating their careers.
Looking back at my own journey and how I've helped others, my mission is to help people NOT settle for anything less than they desire. THIS is the reason why I was born.
Whether you desire better family relationships, more in your love life, your career, your health, or where you live, the desire you have within you is there FOR A REASON. Because you're meant to experience it in this lifetime.
It's been years since I caught the deep gaze in that longing woman's eyes, but to this day, I’m still so grateful that our paths crossed and that she helped me get back on the path I was always meant to be on.
Where in your life do you desire something more? Comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear more because I know I’m not the only one who has felt this way.