Hey there! I’m Mayan

If you’re ready to manifest your soul mate and a true partnership, you’re in the right place.

As a Love Manifestation Coach, I guide successful, purpose-driven women in attracting their ideal partner and experience the relationship of their dreams.

My approach empowers women to find love through a unique breakthrough process. One that allows them to gain freedom from past hurts, trauma, and patterns, get clear on who they are, and embody the radiant, powerful woman who attracts their ideal partner with ease and confidence.

My Story

Losing myself

No one gets into a relationship expecting to break up.

Or gets married expecting to get a divorce.

But when it happens, how do you pick up the pieces and move on?

And how do you ensure that the same thing doesn’t happen again?

I’ve been intrigued by magic since I was little. There's something about knowing there's more than what's on the surface that felt exciting and appealing to me.

But as I got older and life got more serious, I started to lose that sense of wonder and curiosity.

And so for years, I became the obedient daughter, sister, student, and girlfriend, doing what society and others wanted and expected of me.

Magic Mayan - Putting on my first magic show

An unexpected path

I climbed the corporate ladder and created financial and outward success. I was great at my job in IT management consulting and applied my natural listening skills to decipher the wants of my clients to build the software systems they truly needed.

But I felt unfulfilled by the work and trapped by the non-stop rat race.

Not knowing what else I could do, I began taking classes to explore. From sketching and oil painting to tap dancing and yoga, I hoped to uncover some hidden talent that would lead to a more fulfilling path.

I wasn’t feeling particularly called to anything... until I stumbled on the ancient Chinese art and science of Feng Shui.

When I experienced firsthand the power of using the energy of our space to manifest our desires, I became so passionate about it that I shared it with friends, and soon after, strangers began wanting me to work on their spaces.

And so, an accidental business and a new career path was born.

The Pattern

But that was just the beginning. I quickly noticed that all of my clients were single women who wanted to attract their life partners but who all had the same pattern:

Even though they wanted to be in a relationship, they also had concerns, doubts, or fears about it, sometimes unbeknownst to them.

Not only did they subconsciously decorate their spaces to reflect these beliefs, their actions (also subconscious) reflected them as well.

I knew this required deeper inner work and the universe led me to the next step of studying the science behind our subconscious minds. I learned how to effectively change outdated programming within each of us so we can stop sabotaging ourselves around what we most want in life.

At the same time, I continued studying topics on Law of Attraction, visualization, and energy healing, which reignited my curiosity and interest for studying the unseen.

With some of my favorite mentors, Mastin Kipp, Summer McStravick, and Dr. Matt James

Experiencing the magic of manifestations

I read ferociously during this time. Books such as Wayne Dyer’s Wishes Fulfilled and Ask and It is Given.

One book in particular, The Ant and The Elephant opened my eyes to the power of our subconscious minds.

I put these learnings into practice and began manifesting all sorts of stuff. Things like the perfect home in San Francisco and a free trip to attend a 7-day retreat in Maui with Mastin Kipp. I took the best of what I learned and synthesized them to work with my clients.

Being My Own Client

My passion for helping successful, purpose-driven women attract truly equal romantic and life partners was solidified when I found myself single and dating again after almost 20 years.

Those years of being single were ones of massive growth. I got to truly know myself, perhaps for the first time ever. I traveled around the world. I invested thousands of dollars in working with coaches. I learned about masculine and feminine polarity and how to recognize a healthy masculine man. I dismantled my old stories and beliefs of low self-worth, and began to truly appreciate my inner and outer beauty, along with all of my unique qualities. I dated myself and began to date others. I got clear on the type of partner I wanted - someone who is emotionally intelligent, equally ambitious, and who understands and supports my purpose for changing the world.

Applying the same techniques I use with my clients, I became my own client, and within months of putting my desire out into the universe, I attracted the most amazing partner (in the middle of COVID!).

I believe if there's a desire within you, you are meant to experience it.

If there’s anything I know for sure, it’s that you don’t have to settle for less than what you want.

If true partnership is what you’ve been longing for, I can help. Whether you are newly single, healing from heartbreak, just getting back into the dating world, or have been trying to figure it out for a while, I’m here for you.

My approach will free you from the past, including the fears and trauma that may be holding you back from the love you want, help you get clear on what makes you truly feel loved and fulfilled, and support you to gain the skills to attract and experience the relationship you’ve been waiting for.

If you’ve read this far, thank you. I’d love to learn more about you and stay connected. The best way is to join my newsletter list — just sign up below by entering your name and email.

You’ll also get my free guide - 9 Steps to Attract Your Dream Partner (Even When You're Feeling Impatient). It’ll walk you through the steps for how to stay patient, present, and happy when attracting love (even if you were ready for him yesterday!) I can’t wait for you to check it out.

In 9 Steps to Attract Your Dream Partner, you’ll learn 5 ways to energetically call in the one using your physical space, how to ensure the quality of your dates gets better and better, 3 ways to boost your confidence and knowing your worth, and more!